Awakened Life

with Susan Boxer


You’re closer than you think!

Awakened Life

with Susan Boxer





You’re closer than you think!


Wherever you are,
even in the middle of what might feel like

confusion, uncertainty and inner unrest,
something great is unfolding.


The inner longing for something more, that has brought you to this page,
is Life’s invitation to intimately experience your True Self.

I promise you, that if you choose to honor the call, a life of profound joy, purpose and fulfillment awaits you! 

Are you ready to awaken to who you truly are?



It is likely that if you have found your way to this page, it is because you feel this inner calling, a deep, often inexplicable longing for more…one that might appear as a subtle whisper, or perhaps it’s so strong that you just can’t stifle it any longer.

You may not even know what that “more” is exactly but you feel compelled to expand the present version of yourself and your life. If this feels like you, I’m excited for you, for what lies ahead, as you continue to honor the call.

At the core of our being, in our heart of hearts, lies a profound wisdom that is beyond even the greatest mind’s capacity to understand. Just beneath our personal stories of pain and suffering, we are whole, unbroken, undisturbed. 

To access this wisdom and feel this sense of wholeness, our mind must feel sufficiently safe to fearlessly explore the heart’s deeper truth.

When this deeper aspect of you, what I call the greater “I”, is accessed, you intimately experience yourself as boundless love, profound peace, infinite potential, limitless freedom and a natural joy and reverence for all of life.

We spend our lives searching, some of us impatiently and often in all the wrong places, for this ultimate “high” and fighting against what we perceive as obstacles to this elusive blissful state.

Self-Realization coaching provides the knowledge, tools and a nurturing space to help your mind awaken to what it has been searching for all along, its connection to this deeper truth of your being…to that which is already here, already perfect, all-knowing and all-powerful.  Your mind finally rests.

Everything you’ve been through until now, has prepared you for this next chapter in your sacred awakening. The challenging times we experience act as a catalyst, amplifying our desire to end the inner unrest and accelerating our process of Self-Realization. Troubles intensify our aspiration to be free!  As my teacher often reminded me, “Great turbulence…great discovery!”, just as the brightest light always follows the greatest darkness and the darkest sky always reveals the brightest stars!

You are exactly where you are meant to be. What’s in the way is the way!  What you’re reaching for is right here, at the core of your being.

It would be a privilege and an honor to accompany on this final step of your journey home.



Wherever you are,

even in the middle of what might feel like

confusion, uncertainty and inner unrest,

something great is unfolding.



The inner longing for something more, that has brought you to this page,
is Life’s invitation to intimately experience your True Self.

I promise you, that if you choose to honor the call, a life of profound joy, purpose and fulfillment awaits you! 

Are you ready to awaken to who you truly are?




It is likely that if you have found your way to this page, it is because you feel this inner calling, a deep, often inexplicable longing for more…one that might appear as a subtle whisper, or perhaps it’s so strong that you just can’t stifle it any longer.

You may not even know what that “more” is exactly but you feel compelled to expand the present version of yourself and your life. If this feels like you, I’m excited for you, for what lies ahead, as you continue to honor the call.

At the core of our being, in our heart of hearts, lies a profound wisdom that is beyond even the greatest mind’s capacity to understand. Just beneath our personal stories of pain and suffering, we are whole, unbroken, undisturbed. 

To access this wisdom and feel this sense of wholeness, our mind must feel sufficiently safe to fearlessly explore the heart’s deeper truth.

When this deeper aspect of you, what I call the greater “I”, is accessed, you intimately experience yourself as boundless love, profound peace, infinite potential, limitless freedom and a natural joy and reverence for all of life.

We spend our lives searching, some of us impatiently and often in all the wrong places, for this ultimate “high” and fighting against what we perceive as obstacles to this elusive blissful state.

Self-Realization coaching provides the knowledge, tools and a nurturing space to help your mind awaken to what it has been searching for all along, its connection to this deeper truth of your being…to that which is already here, already perfect, all-knowing and all-powerful.  Your mind finally rests.

Everything you’ve been through until now, has prepared you for this next chapter in your sacred awakening. The challenging times we experience act as a catalyst, amplifying our desire to end the inner unrest and accelerating our process of Self-Realization. Troubles intensify our aspiration to be free!  As my teacher often reminded me, “Great turbulence…great discovery!”, just as the brightest light always follows the greatest darkness and the darkest sky always reveals the brightest stars!

You are exactly where you are meant to be. What’s in the way is the way!  What you’re reaching for is right here, at the core of your being.

It would be a privilege and an honor to accompany on this final step of your journey home.


Do you want to…


➛  End the inner struggle and exhausting effort to figure everything out… and finally experience the happiness you’ve been longing for?

➛  Feel solid in who you are and anchored in calm confidence, to enjoy a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment, regardless of what challenges you’re facing?

➛  Experience remarkable shifts in your wellbeing in every aspect of your life?

Do you want to…


➛  End the inner struggle and exhausting effort to figure everything out… and finally experience the happiness you’ve been longing for?

➛  Feel anchored in calm confidence and enjoy a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment, regardless of what challenges you’re facing?

➛  Experience remarkable shifts in your wellbeing in every aspect of your life?



It feels like I’ve grown a set of wings! 
Wow! 🤩 

I had the privilege of meeting this extraordinary woman! I came to Susan with low self-esteem and a heart-felt project I was struggling to launch. I have experienced many coachings in the past, but this one was different. Personalized, heart-felt, intentional.  Profound and targeted questions. An enriching inner connection that allowed me to discover my light and honor who I really am.  A great opening onto tools that will serve me forever!

I thank you Susan, from the bottom of my heart, for the connection we had together. ❤️ The path traveled with you represents a unique and memorable experience!  I hope we will see each other again, the “fit” was totally inspiring. 🙏💫🙌


Véro, 40, Costa Rica



Life put Susan on my path in response
to my quest to “be”.

I am flabbergasted by the energetic context that naturally arises in her presence. The “Boxer” waltz creates this opening which allows a full and free expression of our resistances and the underlying limiting beliefs that veil our true nature.

Dancing with Susan shed light on performance patterns that ended up convincing me that satisfaction could only come from “making things happen” and from external factors. Over the years, I began to display physical symptoms of an overtaxed nervous system. Under her guidance, her humor and her presence, I drew from within myself the notions and inexhaustible “superpowers” available to us all.

Wow, how gratifying to realize that our wings are already in place. The kind of “psychological judo” approach I experienced with Susan successfully detached me from the limits of my supercomputer to take part in what “is”. My quest when meeting Susan, was to “be”…mission accomplished x 1000! “I’m nothing and everything” is still rolling around in my whole being. I now draw satisfaction from every breath!

Thank you, Susan. I greatly appreciate how it’s no longer a question of words explaining intellectual concepts but rather something intimately experienced!

Pura vida

Real Estate Broker, photographer and project promoter
41 years old, Canada/Costa-Rica



It feels like I’ve grown a set of wings!  Wow! 🤩 

I had the privilege of meeting this extraordinary woman! I came to Susan with low self-esteem and a heart-felt project I was struggling to launch. I have experienced many coachings in the past, but this one was different. Personalized, heart-felt, intentional.  Profound and targeted questions. An enriching inner connection that allowed me to discover my light and honor who I really am.  A great opening onto tools that will serve me forever!

I thank you Susan, from the bottom of my heart, for the connection we had together. ❤️ The path traveled with you represents a unique and memorable experience!  I hope we will see each other again, the “fit” was totally inspiring. 🙏💫🙌


Véro, 40, Costa Rica



Throughout my life, I have always had an inner strength that caused me to follow my hunches. One of them appeared when I met Susan…

At this time I was going through a series of changes in my life, which overwhelmed me a lot. When I started coaching with Susan I became aware of the reason for many things I was experiencing. I now understand how my mind works and I have learned to allow it to do its thing… Susan helped me discover that despite my ever-changing and very restless mind, who I really am remains undisturbed.  I am very grateful to life and to Susan for being present in my life. We flow into this life with a purpose and I feel that the coaching with Susan was a wonderful beginning to a life full of love and knowledge for the good of myself and humanity.

Jeff, 23
Costa Rica

Let’s chat to see if this coaching is what you’re looking for…

Let’s chat to see if this coaching is what you’re looking for…

Stay In Touch

Copyright 2023 Susan Boxer

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