About Susan

Intimately know the Truth 
and the peace of your Being
will shine unto our world.

About Susan






Intimately know the Truth and the peace of your Being will shine unto our world.

A gesture of love..

Contributing to world peace, one liberated heart at a time.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had this deep feeling, an inner “knowing” that there’s so much more to life and to who we truly are, than the “story” we were born into.

Early on, I found myself drawn to books and seminars on human potential and the power of the mind. As a young adult, I was also initiated into the world of Reiki, an energy healing modality.

Despite this exploration, I had not yet found that “more” my heart kept silently longing for. 

Life has blessed me with 2 wonderful sons and 2 successful careers in banking management and the sale of real estate investment projects in Quebec, Canada. Alongside these primary endeavors, I continued to nurture my passion for the expansion of human consciousness as a hobby. Fifteen years ago, that hobby expanded into a more active quest make sense of my life. Despite the blessed life I was living, my heart still felt like something was missing and my desire for inner peace and true happiness had become so loud that, at times I found it difficult to live in my skin.

I first studied under Bob Proctor, an internationally renowned success coach, known for his role in the popular film, “The Secret.”  It felt like I’d found a part of that “more” I’d been searching for. After studying and integrating his teachings for a few years, I became a Life Success Coach and I designed and delivered a series of international teleconferences and workshops on the “Law of Attraction in Action”, “The Power of Conscious Creation” and Finding Your Life Purpose”.  Since then, I’ve been offering private coaching to individuals feeling called to experience a greater version of themselves.

In 2012, a most unexpected and life-changing encounter caused me to intimately experience my profound connection to the Loving Intelligence that is at the core of our being, the very same Consciousness that permeates the universe, which I refer to as the Greater “I”.  In that moment, I experienced an inner peace and “lightness of being” beyond words. I finally felt “home”.  After this first fortuitous encounter, I was impatient to find my way back to this same sacred presence and so my search continued, bringing me to study and integrate the works of Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Sadhguru, Jeff Foster, Tara Brach, Gangaji and Abraham-Hicks. The additional insights received, further deepened my understanding of what I had been shown in that encounter and I soon found myself experiencing a quality of presence that is difficult to describe. I now recognize that what was occurring was the gradual surrender of the seeker. The suffering caused by the incessant longing for more, was gone.

My search had come full circle. Everything that I’d been searching for was already right here…beneath the mind’s unrest…I know how incomprehensible that might sound…truth is, the mind can’t grasp it, it must be experienced inwardly.  And this is how we do it… I guide you inward.


It is with great humility and profound joy that I share a message of love, empowerment and liberation, so that we may all playfully navigate this magnificent life on Earth, with ease, grace and profound joy…a joy that can only be experienced by knowing our true position in this crazy, wonderful game called life.

 “Experience the Truth of your Being…
right where you are,
in the midst of it all…
and live an inspired and radiant life.”


– Susan


"Je sens que des ailes m’ont poussées! Wow! 🤩

J’ai eu le privilège de rencontrer cette femme extraordinaire! J’ai fais plusieurs coaching, celui-là était différent. Personnalisé, chaleureux, intentionnel. Des questions riches et ciblées. Une connection enrichissante qui m’a permis de découvrir ma lumière et d'honorer qui je suis. Une grande ouverture vers des outils qui me serviront à tout jamais! 

Je te remercie Susan, du fond du coeur pour la connection que nous avons eu ensemble. ..❤️ Le chemin parcouru avec toi représente une expérience unique et mémorable!  

J’espère qu’on va se revoir, le « fit » avec toi est totalement inspirant🙏💫🙌

Amour et lumière!"

Véro xxx, 40, Costa Rica


"Throughout my life, I have always had an inner strength that caused me to follow my hunches.  One of them appeared when I met Susan Boxer.  At this time I was going through a series of changes in my life, which overwhelmed me a lot.  When I started coaching with Susan I became aware of the reason for many things I was experiencing.  I now understand how my mind works and I have learned to allow it to do its thing… since I discovered that behind my change was who I really am. 

I am very grateful to life and to Susan for being present in my life, I feel that we flow in life with a purpose and now I feel that the coaching with Susan was a wonderful beginning to a life full of love and knowledge for the good of myself and humanity."

Jeffrey, 23, Costa Rica


"Life put Susan on my path in response to my quest to 'be'.

I am flabbergasted by the energetic context that naturally arises in her presence. The 'Boxer' waltz creates this opening which allows a full and free expression of our resistances and the underlying limiting beliefs that veil our true nature. 

Dancing with Susan shed light on performance patterns that ended up convincing me that satisfaction could only come from 'making things happen' and from external factors. Over the years, I began to display physical symptoms of an overtaxed nervous system. Under her guidance, her humor and her presence, I drew from within myself the notions and inexhaustible 'superpowers' available to us all.  

Wow, how gratifying to realize that our wings are already in place. The kind of 'psychological judo' approach I experienced with Susan successfully detached me from the limits of my supercomputer to take part in what 'is'. My quest when meeting Susan, was to “be”...mission accomplished x 1000!   "I'm nothing and everything" is still rolling around in my whole being. I now draw satisfaction from every breath! 

Thank you, Susan. I greatly appreciate how it’s no longer a question of words explaining intellectual concepts but rather something intimately experienced!
Pura vida"

Jo, 41, Real Estate Broker, Photographer & Project Promoter, Canada/Costa-Rica


"I was going through a big shadow period of my life and was having massive panic attacks when I met Susan. 

During her coaching sessions, through very open conversations I was able to pick up the puzzle pieces I very much needed in a few areas which I was struggling in, from mental health to finances and more. Susan helped me to re-remember who and what I am and therefore move on with my life. She also helped me to find the right tools so I can figure things out very smoothly by myself now in day-to-day life. Susan is a beautiful person with the biggest heart and with great wisdom to share.

Love her!"

Marketa, 23, Entrepreneur, Germany


"My meeting with Susan was, without a doubt, a gift from the universe. Right after losing my father, who was my teacher and spiritual guide, I felt that I had to put into practice everything he had taught me. However, even knowing the theory, I did not fully know how to put it into practice. Then I met Susan.

Her presence, energy and words… resonated with me from the first moment. She was the universe’s response to my desire to go further.

If my father reminded me of the path, Susan was the one who reminded me to walk the path…not me telling how to live my life, but reminding me and showing me how to connect with the power and capacity for creation that is in each one of us.

I have been learning to observe the mind without becoming its servant, but instead having it serve me to fulfill my purpose.

I have also been learning to be present and connect with my true SELF, where everything is possible, and be ONE with life…resisting nothing.

I can only feel gratitude and deep LOVE. Thank you Susan."

Cristina, 30, Registered Nurse, Nutritionist and Fitness Instructor, Costa Rica 



"Susan was one of my key guest speakers in my signature 8 week online group program. As a mindset coach, I knew that a big part of my program had to be around spirituality and I had a desire to bring someone in to support me in this guidance. I instantly reached out to Susan. It was incredible to watch her free flow and share her wisdom so naturally. The women were in total awe of the way that Sue dances with life and sees every moment as a gift. They experienced shifts around their presence at work, their perspectives on family and areas they wanted to deepen within themselves, including how to be at peace with the loss of a loved one.

Susan has such a natural gift and her deep desire to support others bleeds through her.

Thank you Susan. I appreciate you so much!"

Stephanie, 30, Mindset Coach, Nevada USA


"I am Anna, a yoga therapist from Germany. I met Susan in Costa Rica at a yoga studio. I was immediately attracted to her energy and was able to benefit from her coaching for several days before I returned home to Germany.  She generously shared her deep understanding of the Universal Laws that govern what comes into our life experience and of the spiritual Insights she received on her journey, about the deeper meaning of Christ’s teachings regarding who we truly are.  She guided me in a few profound meditations that brought me inward into the stillness within and allowed me to really FEEL the inner guidance that is always available to me.  This brief time with her helped me deepen my integration of the yoga principles and philosophy I had studied in the past.  Her approach unifies science-based information with the teachings of spiritual scriptures in a way that really resonated with me. My favorite topics are Self-Discovery, Self-Reflection and Personal Growth and Susan’s unique approach allowed me to dive even deeper and experience it, really FEEL it in my body, so that I could develop an even better connection with the knowledge and wisdom I already had within… This experience has brought me another step forward on my Life Journey. 

Thank you Susan Boxer, for being such a wise person with incredible Coaching skills!
Thank You for crossing my path."

Anna, 54, Yoga Instructor, Germany

A gesture of love..

Committed to the creation of world peace, one liberated heart at a time.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had this deep feeling, an inner “knowing” that there’s so much more to life and to who we truly are, than the “story” we were born into.

Early on, I found myself drawn to books and seminars on human potential and the power of the mind. As a young adult, I was also initiated into the world of Reiki, an energy healing modality.

Despite this exploration, I had not yet found that “more” my heart kept silently longing for.

Life has blessed me with 2 wonderful sons and 2 successful careers in banking management and the sale of real estate investment projects in Quebec, Canada. Alongside these primary endeavors, I continued to nurture my passion for the expansion of human consciousness as a hobby. Fifteen years ago, that hobby expanded into a more active quest to “know who I/we truly am/are”. Despite the blessed life I was living, my heart still felt like something was missing and my desire for inner peace and true happiness had become so loud that, at times I found it difficult to live in my skiI first studied under Bob Proctor, an internationally renowned success coach, known for his role in the popular film, “The Secret.”  It felt like I’d found a part of that “more” I’d been searching for. After studying and integrating his teachings for a few years, I became a Life Success Coach and designed and delivered a series of international teleconferences and workshops on the “Law of Attraction in Action” and “The Power of Conscious Creation.”  Since then, I’ve been offering private coaching to individuals feeling called to experience a greater version of themselves.

In 2012, a most unexpected and life-changing encounter caused me to intimately experience my profound connection to the Loving Intelligence that is at the core of our being, the very same Consciousness that permeates the universe, which I refer to as the Greater “I”.  In that moment, I experienced an inner peace and “lightness of being” beyond words. I finally felt “home”.  After this first fortuitous encounter, I was impatient to find my way back to this same sacred space and so my search continued, bringing me to study the works of Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Sadhguru, Jeff Foster, Tara Brach, Gangaji and Abraham-Hicks. The additional insights received, further deepened my understanding of what I had been shown in that encounter and I soon found myself experiencing a quality of presence that is difficult to describe. I now recognize that what was occurring, was the gradual surrender of the seeker. The suffering caused by the incessant longing for more, was gone.

My search had come full circle. Everything that I’d been searching for was already right here, beneath the mind’s unrest!  I know how incomprehensible that sounds…truth is, the mind can’t grasp it, it must be experienced inwardly.  And this is how we do it. I guide you inward.

It is with great humility and profound joy that I share a message of love, empowerment and liberation, so that we may all playfully navigate this magnificent life on Earth, with ease, grace and profound joy…a joy that can only be experienced by knowing our true position in this crazy, wonderful game called life.


“Experience the Truth of your Being… right where you are, in the midst of it all… and live an inspired and radiant life.”


– Susan



"Je sens que des ailes m’ont poussées! Wow! 🤩

J’ai eu le privilège de rencontrer cette femme extraordinaire! J’ai fais plusieurs coaching, celui-là était différent. Personnalisé, chaleureux, intentionnel. Des questions riches et ciblées. Une connection enrichissante qui m’a permis de découvrir ma lumière et d'honorer qui je suis. Une grande ouverture vers des outils qui me serviront à tout jamais! 

Je te remercie Susan, du fond du coeur pour la connection que nous avons eu ensemble. ..❤️ Le chemin parcouru avec toi représente une expérience unique et mémorable!  

J’espère qu’on va se revoir, le « fit » avec toi est totalement inspirant🙏💫🙌

Amour et lumière!"

Véro xxx, 40, Costa Rica



"Life put Susan on my path in response to my quest to 'be'.

I am flabbergasted by the energetic context that naturally arises in her presence. The 'Boxer' waltz creates this opening which allows a full and free expression of our resistances and the underlying limiting beliefs that veil our true nature. 

Dancing with Susan shed light on performance patterns that ended up convincing me that satisfaction could only come from 'making things happen' and from external factors. Over the years, I began to display physical symptoms of an overtaxed nervous system. Under her guidance, her humor and her presence, I drew from within myself the notions and inexhaustible 'superpowers' available to us all.  

Wow, how gratifying to realize that our wings are already in place. The kind of 'psychological judo' approach I experienced with Susan successfully detached me from the limits of my supercomputer to take part in what 'is'. My quest when meeting Susan, was to “be”...mission accomplished x 1000!   "I'm nothing and everything" is still rolling around in my whole being. I now draw satisfaction from every breath! 

Thank you, Susan. I greatly appreciate how it’s no longer a question of words explaining intellectual concepts but rather something intimately experienced!
Pura vida"

Jo, 41, Real Estate Broker, Photographer & Project Promoter, Canada/Costa-Rica



"Throughout my life, I have always had an inner strength that caused me to follow my hunches.  One of them appeared when I met Susan Boxer.  At this time I was going through a series of changes in my life, which overwhelmed me a lot.  When I started coaching with Susan I became aware of the reason for many things I was experiencing.  I now understand how my mind works and I have learned to allow it to do its thing… since I discovered that behind my change was who I really am. 

I am very grateful to life and to Susan for being present in my life, I feel that we flow in life with a purpose and now I feel that the coaching with Susan was a wonderful beginning to a life full of love and knowledge for the good of myself and humanity."

Jeffrey, 23, Costa Rica



"I was going through a big shadow period of my life and was having massive panic attacks when I met Susan. 

During her coaching sessions, through very open conversations I was able to pick up the puzzle pieces I very much needed in a few areas which I was struggling in, from mental health to finances and more. Susan helped me to re-remember who and what I am and therefore move on with my life. She also helped me to find the right tools so I can figure things out very smoothly by myself now in day-to-day life. Susan is a beautiful person with the biggest heart and with great wisdom to share.

Love her!"

Marketa, 23, Entrepreneur, Germany



"My meeting with Susan was, without a doubt, a gift from the universe. Right after losing my father, who was my teacher and spiritual guide, I felt that I had to put into practice everything he had taught me. However, even knowing the theory, I did not fully know how to put it into practice. Then I met Susan.

Her presence, energy and words… resonated with me from the first moment. She was the universe’s response to my desire to go further.

If my father reminded me of the path, Susan was the one who reminded me to walk the path…not me telling how to live my life, but reminding me and showing me how to connect with the power and capacity for creation that is in each one of us.

I have been learning to observe the mind without becoming its servant, but instead having it serve me to fulfill my purpose.

I have also been learning to be present and connect with my true SELF, where everything is possible, and be ONE with life…resisting nothing.

I can only feel gratitude and deep LOVE. Thank you Susan."

Cristina, 30, Registered Nurse, Nutritionist and Fitness Instructor, Costa Rica 



"Susan was one of my key guest speakers in my signature 8 week online group program. As a mindset coach, I knew that a big part of my program had to be around spirituality and I had a desire to bring someone in to support me in this guidance. I instantly reached out to Susan. It was incredible to watch her free flow and share her wisdom so naturally. The women were in total awe of the way that Sue dances with life and sees every moment as a gift. They experienced shifts around their presence at work, their perspectives on family and areas they wanted to deepen within themselves, including how to be at peace with the loss of a loved one. Susan has such a natural gift and her deep desire to support others bleeds through her. Thank you Susan. I appreciate you so much!"

Stephanie, 30, Mindset Coach, Nevada USA



"I am Anna, a yoga therapist from Germany. I met Susan in Costa Rica at a yoga studio. I was immediately attracted to her energy and was able to benefit from her coaching for several days before I returned home to Germany.  She generously shared her deep understanding of the Universal Laws that govern what comes into our life experience and of the spiritual Insights she received on her journey, about the deeper meaning of Christ’s teachings regarding who we truly are.  She guided me in a few profound meditations that brought me inward into the stillness within and allowed me to really FEEL the inner guidance that is always available to me.  This brief time with her helped me deepen my integration of the yoga principles and philosophy I had studied in the past.  Her approach unifies science-based information with the teachings of spiritual scriptures in a way that really resonated with me. My favorite topics are Self-Discovery, Self-Reflection and Personal Growth and Susan’s unique approach allowed me to dive even deeper and experience it, really FEEL it in my body, so that I could develop an even better connection with the knowledge and wisdom I already had within… This experience has brought me another step forward on my Life Journey. 

Thank you Susan Boxer, for being such a wise person with incredible Coaching skills! Thank You for crossing my path."

Anna, 54, Yoga Instructor, Germany


Self-Realization Coaching

Experience the Light of your Being.


Reconnect with your heart’s deeper wisdom.

Stay In Touch

Copyright 2023 Susan Boxer

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