
… & contemplations


… & contemplations

Welcome to our Meditation page! 

These video recordings are designed to support you in your quest for Self-Realization. May they assist you in further opening your mind and heart to what is here, in the midst of all the inner and outer turmoil, in the midst of the mind’s misguided duality-based rhetoric. 

May each recording bring you inward, to intimately experience the Loving Intelligence that is right here… all-knowing, all-powerful and ever-present, everywhere and in everything… and may your heart be free to love unconditionally. 


If you’d like to be notified when a new audio or video is released, I invite you to leave your email at the end of this page, in order to subscribe to my mailing list.
How our resistance can sabotage our happiness

How our resistance can sabotage our happiness

This recording invites us to have a look at the areas of our life where we are experiencing resistance…where we are not at peace and perhaps even fighting against “what is” and how this resistance is actually preventing us from experiencing what we are most wanting....

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Experience the Light of Your Being

Experience the Light of Your Being

This guided meditation invites you on an inner journey, to intimately experience the Light of your Being. Come inward with me and explore the vastness that is you, commune with the Loving Intelligence at the source of all creation, and intimately know your true...

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Awakening requires a firm decision

Awakening requires a firm decision

To intimately experience the Truth of our Being, beyond our limited self-image (this body, these thoughts and emotions, and the roles we play in life), we must be fully committed to shifting our allegiance away from the mind's rhetoric, to instead maintain a quality...

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Duality at its finest – Doing vs Being

Duality at its finest – Doing vs Being

Those of us on this spiritual path can sometimes struggle to reconcile the mind's need to "get things done" with the idea of "effortlessly creating" by simply "being" and allowing the Law of Attraction to do the heavy lifting. This video offers a non-dualistic...

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Self-Realization and Desires

Self-Realization and Desires

Certain spiritual traditions suggest that in order to be free from suffering we must be free of all desires and yet, desires provide the necessary impetus for human evolution, towards further expansion and greater expression. This recording reconciles these seemingly...

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Embodying True Sovereignty

Embodying True Sovereignty

This recording invites us inward, to consciously commune with the Infinite Loving Intelligence at the core of our being…. that which creates worlds…omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Source energy…ExploreHomeSelf-Realization CoachingMeditationsAboutGet in TouchStay...

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Copyright 2023 Susan Boxer

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