Self-Realization Coaching

When you experience the Light of your Being, life flows with greater ease and grace.

Self-Realization Coaching

When you experience the Light of your Being, life flows with greater ease and grace.



If you’re…

➛  Going through an important change in your life and looking for support to move forward with calm confidence…

➛  Experiencing physical, mental or emotional challenges that are causing you grief…

➛  Finding yourself repeating similar patterns over and over and you can’t figure out how to break the cycle…

➛  Wanting to learn how to align with the Infinite Intelligence that created the world, to support you in the manifestation of what you truly desire…

➛  Looking to find peace within yourself and with what’s unfolding in the world…

When you intimately connect with the wisdom of your heart and recognize the Loving Intelligence that flows through your being, the rest begins to resolve itself… the angst subsides, questions are answered, the longing comes to an end… You experience your life with greater ease and grace.

Realize who you are!

Over the course of our 1:1 coaching, you have the opportunity to:

➛  Intimately feel the connection between the little “i” (the limited self-image you have of yourself) and the greater “I” (the Infinite Loving Intelligence present within and all around you).

➛ Experience transformational shifts in awareness that give you the calm confidence to meet everything that arises in your experience… with a fearless heart.

➛  Lessen your need to seek externally for solutions to your problems or for validation of your self-worth… Realize you are neither alone nor separate.  

➛  Learn to identify and release the obstacles that prevent you from experiencing the life you truly want to live.

➛  Personally experience how Life doesn’t happen to you, but rather for you! 

You’re clear that this coaching is the next step for you, because you…

➛  Are ready to intimately know and express a greater version of yourself and want to work with someone who sees this expanded version of YOU.

➛  Want to work with someone who is going to inspire you and challenge you to realize and experience this expanded-liberated YOU.

➛  Want to work with someone who has a sense of humor and can uplift you on the days when you feel like you just can’t do it.

➛   Are ready to experience the freedom and “lightness of being” that are your birthright.



My meeting with Susan was, without a doubt, a gift from the universe…

Right after losing my father, who was my teacher and spiritual guide, I felt that I had to put into practice everything he had taught me… However, even knowing the theory, I did not fully know how to put it into practice. Then I met Susan.

Her presence, energy and words… resonated with me from the first moment. She was the universe’s response to my desire to go further.

If my father was the one who reminded me of the path, Susan was the one who challenged me and gave me the confidence to walk it… not telling me how, but reminding me and showing me how to connect with the power and capacity for creation that is in each one of us.

Learning to observe the mind without becoming its servant, but instead having it serve me to fulfill my purpose.

I am learning to be present and connect with my true SELF, where everything is possible, and be ONE with life. I can only feel gratitude and deep LOVE. Thank you Susan.”


— Cristina, 33, Spain



I was going through a big shadow period of my life and was having massive panic attacks when I met Susan.

During her coaching sessions, through very open conversations I was able to pick up the puzzle pieces I very much needed in a few areas which I was struggling in, from mental health to finances and more.

Susan helped me to re-remember who and what I am and therefore move on with my life. She also helped me to find the right tools so I can figure things out very smoothly by myself now in day-to-day life.

Susan is a beautiful person with the biggest heart and with great wisdom to share.

Love her!


— Marketa, 23, Germany



My meeting with Susan was, without a doubt, a gift from the universe…

Right after losing my father, who was my teacher and spiritual guide, I felt that I had to put into practice everything he had taught me… However, even knowing the theory, I did not fully know how to put it into practice. Then I met Susan.

Her presence, energy and words… resonated with me from the first moment. She was the universe’s response to my desire to go further.

If my father was the one who reminded me of the path, Susan was the one who challenged me and gave me the confidence to walk it… not telling me how, but reminding me and showing me how to connect with the power and capacity for creation that is in each one of us.

Learning to observe the mind without becoming its servant, but instead having it serve me to fulfill my purpose.

I am learning to be present and connect with my true SELF, where everything is possible, and be ONE with life. I can only feel gratitude and deep LOVE. Thank you Susan.”


— Cristina, 33, Spain



I was going through a big shadow period of my life and was having massive panic attacks when I met Susan.

During her coaching sessions, through very open conversations I was able to pick up the puzzle pieces I very much needed in a few areas which I was struggling in, from mental health to finances and more.

Susan helped me to re-remember who and what I am and therefore move on with my life. She also helped me to find the right tools so I can figure things out very smoothly by myself now in day-to-day life.

Susan is a beautiful person with the biggest heart and with great wisdom to share.

Love her!


— Marketa, 23, Germany

No one who’s committed to this coaching walks away unchanged.


You will KNOW, without a doubt, that you are seen, loved and worthy beyond your imagining!

Meet Your Coach

Someone who sees that expanded version of YOU.

Meet Your Coach

Someone who sees that expanded version of YOU.

Stay In Touch

Copyright 2023 Susan Boxer

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